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We compiled a list of relevant links for a deeper look into the research, advocacy, partners, and more.
PARTNERSChacruna | Veterans for Natural Rights | WFW: Weed for Warriors Project | Kahpi | Evolver | SoulQuest
GENERALErowid | Psymposia|SongwritingWith:Soldiers | Trauma Dynamics | Medicine Hunter | Psychedelic Times | Plant Teachers | IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
RESEARCHMAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) | Heffter Research Institute | Beckley Foundcation | Usona Institute | ICEERS (Intl. Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research & Service) | ERIE (Entheogenic Research Integration & Education) | CIIS (California Institute of Intergral Studies) | National Science Foundation | Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation | John Hopkins University | New York University | University of Wisconsin | Harvard University | University of Cambridge | University of Oxford | Stanford
ADVOCACYDrug Policy Alliance | VetGrow | Heroic Hearts Project | Wounded Warrior Project | The Homefront Cares | Veterans Affairs | Hunting with Soldiers | Operation Wetvet | Take a Vet Fishing | CSI: Warrior Fishing | Project Healing Waters | We Honor Veterans (Hospices) | AARPUS Chamber of Commerce | Dept. of Veterans Affairs | Honor Flight Network | Student Veterans of America | Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America Armed Forces Foundation | Mission Zero
FILMSDMT: The Spirit Molecule | A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin | Ayahuasca & Huachuma | The Holy Give Me
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